Adventure is a highly appropriate name for this venue. Not a dull day in the bunch, and it's all because of our customers and the product we get to sell. This past weekend, it was my job to sell Harley's next big thing: Bluetooth technology for your helmets. Some of you are nodding your head right now, trying to contain your excitement, and others are shaking your head in utter confusion wondering why anyone would want blue teeth and what that would have to do with a helmet.
To those confused, let me start from the beginning. Bluetooth is basically a hands-free/wire-free way to talk on your phone or listen to MP3's (Layman's terms: music). Have you ever seen the people walking down the street or in the mall, seemingly talking to no one/themselves/their invisible friend? There are two possible explanations: a.) They are crazy. Steer clear. b.) They most likely have a bluetooth in their ear. It looks like a tiny headphone that usually wraps around one ear, and will sync up with your phone or MP3 player so you don't have to have the hassle of holding a phone up to your face or getting yourself hopelessly tangled in the wires of headphones. For awhile we've had the convenience of bluetooth technology, but wasn't able to use it whilst on the bike, for lack of the available system and headphones. Well, fear no more.
Harley Davidson now has it's own bluetooth system! It's basic function is not different than any other bluetooth. What makes it special is that it can be installed in your helmet, so you don't have to risk your life and everybody else's to make/receive a phone call or listen to music. The basic premise is two headphones that velcro to the inside to the helmet, a velcro mic for full face helmets, and a stemmed mic for half or 3/4 helmets.
The system is sold with both full face and half helmet set ups, so no matter what you have, you're covered. The bluetooth comes with it's own clip, and just clips to the outside of the helmet, and simply plugs into the headphone/mic combos. You simply sync up your bluetooth capable device and go! What's even better, is we also sell a converter. This will make any non-bluetooth capable device.....well, bluetooth capable!! This would include older versions of cell phones, cd players, even a walkman if you please! This is a really sweet set-up, and proof that Harley is keeping up with the times! Next step, how to communicate to mars.........
Chelsea McIntyre
Motorclothes Associate