(I stole this photo from her Facebook page, taken at the International Motorcycle Show this past weekend. She fits right in!)
Erika has an extensive background in art and graphic design and has an amazing marketing mind. She is a wonderful addition to our team and has done an amazing job in her first month in charge of our marketing plan. So...that being said, I will still be the one talking to you on our Facebook page the majority of the time, but Erika's voice will be heard much more often through our blogs/videos/marketing efforts. If you get a chance to visit our dealership, take a minute to welcome Erika to the team. We are excited to have her, and you all will be too!
So thank you for forgiving me for the lengthy break, but as I said, we're back and ready to roll into season! FORGET THE ICE, BRING ON THE WARM WEATHER!
:) Nicki