May is Women Riders Month. Basically just a time that ladies can get together and affirm that they are not alone in this big, bad Harley world. While years ago, women riders would have been found few and far between, the Harley population is slowly raising it's estrogen level year after year. Up until recent years, Harley's were considered too big, too rough, too "manly" for women, and we are so proud of the women that step up to the line and say, "Bring it. If a man can ride one, I can ride one, and probably be better at it." Whose to say what originally brought about the idea of a Harley being purely a man's sport. They also used to believe that women didn't deserve fair wages and that pants were innappropriate, yet, take me as an example, as I stand here in one of approximately 20 pairs of jeans I own, working at one of the best Harley dealers in the land! The thought that women can't/shouldn't ride Harleys just comes from a long line of small thinkers, and we are an open minded world now, it just doesn't mesh anymore. In the Harley world, chromosomes and hormones hold no power, the only matter is what your sitting on, flying down the road. I've never heard of one Harley rider snubbing another because of gender, or race for that matter, or any other lame physical attribute people love segregating by. Our world is, and will always be one of free thinking, passion and rebellious spirit and centralized around one love: for Harley Davidson motorcycles.
In honor these incredibly strong, independent women- we hosted our first ever WOMEN RIDERS MIXER yesterday exclusively for women riders and were blown away by the success of it! It's amazing to see how many women are out there riding just searching for someone else to ride with. They found each other at Adventure last night. A great time was had by all, and we will follow up our women riders month celebration with an ice cream ride next Wednesday, May 27th at 6pm.